La rosella, la rosa de Jamaica, es una variedad de malva frecuentemente cultivada en África y en todo el mundo en regiones tropicales y subtropicales. Forma la base de muchas infusiones con sabor a fruta. Por ejemplo la infusion de hibisco, escaramujo y otras infusiones de frutas deben su color rojo vivo y su sabor afrutado a los cálices carnosos de la flor de Jamaica. En Sudán se hace una bebida llamada carcadé de los pétalos de la rosella.
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Zero germination Soaked seeds, lightly scarified some, they did not even swell up. Moved to soil, nothing, all rotted. On the contrary - I found some roselle seeds in a turkish tea pack - all but one germinated already in water without any need for scarification in a few hours. The last one germinated in soil while your “Magic” seeds were rotting in the same pot nearby.
Soaked seeds, lightly scarified some, they did not even swell up. Moved to soil, nothing, all rotted. On the contrary - I found some roselle seeds in a turkish tea pack - all but one germinated already in water without any need for scarification in a few hours. The last one germinated in soil while your “Magic” seeds were rotting in the same pot nearby.
Alle gekeimt Ich habe die Samen zwischen zwei Küchenpapierblätter gelegt und nass gemacht. Nach 3 Tagen sind alle gekeimt.
Ich habe die Samen zwischen zwei Küchenpapierblätter gelegt und nass gemacht. Nach 3 Tagen sind alle gekeimt.
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